The Grand Reopening with Abby Schreiber

The Grand Reopening with Abby Schreiber

Well, it’s not the way we planned it, but it looks very likely that we are going to be eased back into Studio Faire life nice and gently with the arrival of our first resident of 2021 next week! We are currently preparing the rooms (following 17 months of silence) to...
RIP Becca

RIP Becca

A message for friends who had the privilege of meeting or knowing our labrador Becca. We’re heartbroken. We had to say goodbye to our wee Becca on Thursday 29 July. She passed away naturally in the garden, surrounded only by Colin, Julia and Dougie. A perfect way to...
Skakel’s ‘Murmurations’ Flies Again

Skakel’s ‘Murmurations’ Flies Again

It’s great to hear that Kate Corroon Skakel’s stunning installation, ‘Murmurations’, which she created in part at Studio Faire, will get a second life in New York at Art Austerlitz from 19 June to 25 July. ‘Kate Skakel’s installation...
‘House of Hollow’ by Krystal Sutherland published by Penguin

‘House of Hollow’ by Krystal Sutherland published by Penguin

Krystal was Writer in Residence at Studio Faire for two weeks in March 2020. During her time with us she worked on the novel ‘House of Hollow’, which explores what it means to be a teenage girl in the early twenty-first century, ‘told through a feminist...
‘Subjects We Left Out’ by Naomi Washer published by Veliz Books

‘Subjects We Left Out’ by Naomi Washer published by Veliz Books

Naomi Washer focused her four week residency in the summer of 2019 on completing her first novel ‘Subjects We Left Out’. Part of the novel is set in France where the narrator has travelled to complete work on a book-length translation. Naomi was able to immerse...