Saturday 24th Jan saw us visit The Olympia in London and the The France Show 2015.
A bit of research, networking, tasting, listening and much learning ensued.
We met banks, we talked to estate agents (immobilier), we watched an auction and we enjoyed the general ambience of this great wee show.
Plans are moving forward very quickly and visiting this show was an essential part of our year.
On the Limousin Region’s (Le Network Limousin) stand we met a truly inspiring couple, Tony Verhulst and Sofie Goetghebeur of Elephant Haven
They are running a campaign to raise the finance for an elephant sanctuary in the Limousin region.
We want to offer elephants a place to retire .
“If you see the world in black and white, you’re missing important grey matter.”
Apparently there are around 140 elephants across Europe that will need somewhere to retire as the rules regarding their captivity in zoos and circuses changes. It is no longer accepted. Which we like.
Check out their Indiegogo campaign here if you’d like to help.
Thanks to Living France Magazine and Leggett Immobilier.
More news soon of our progress and plans.
Allez, salut.