A huge thanks to the fifty (or more!) of you who made it along to our Open Studio event yesterday afternoon. It really was a lovely day and we were so pleased to see so many good friends and new faces.
Visitors scurried through the candle lit barn to find a treasure trove of found objects and mixed media artworks, created by Kimberley Bass whilst in residence (Images 2 & 3 below) and were also able see images of past works by our other Artist in Residence, Ellen Bleiwas, who has only recently arrived at Studio Faire (Images 3 & 4 below).
Once everyone had feasted on the lavish array of meats, cheeses, fruits and nuts (predominantly concocted by our Writer in Residence Berna Mason) and recharged their glasses with yet another cool rosé, Berna made us all blush and cry in equal measures by reading us two examples of her extremely touching written work.
What a fantastic day! Thanks again everyone!!!
Main Image: Colin Usher