We Have Some BAD News…And Some GOOD!

We Have Some BAD News…And Some GOOD!

First the BAD News: In response to COVID-19, Studio Faire closed its doors to residents temporarily from 17 March 2020. We were sad to say goodbye early to our two residents, Kate Corroon Skakel (pictured), who was with us devising multimedia, site specific...
Néracais Participer ! Walking a Line avec Collette Broeders

Néracais Participer ! Walking a Line avec Collette Broeders

Français Pendant les deux premières semaines d’avril, Studio Faire accueillera la résidence de Collette Broeders, une artiste des médias mixtes de l’Ontario, au Canada, qui fusionne les processus traditionnels avec les nouveaux médias et la performance....
Krystal Sutherland is our 1st Writer-in-Residence of 2020

Krystal Sutherland is our 1st Writer-in-Residence of 2020

The day has finally arrived when we welcome our first 3 residents of 2020. We are so excited! Please allow us the pleasure of introducing you to the third of these talents, Krystal Sutherland, an internationally published author of books for young adults....
Kate Corroon Skakel, our Multi Media Artist-in-residence

Kate Corroon Skakel, our Multi Media Artist-in-residence

Brooklyn based, multimedia artist, Kate Corroon Skakel will be in residence at Studio Faire for 4 weeks throughout March. Kate’s plan is to create a site specific installation out of transparent fabrics inspired by the property at Studio Faire. Continually...
Celie Byrne is coming!

Celie Byrne is coming!

Our winter ‘break’ is drawing to an end and we are gearing up to welcome our first three residents of 2020 in just 10 days time! We are extremely excited to be kicking the year off with three fabulous creative practitioners and will introduce these to you one by one...