In both 2016 and 2023 we ran crowdfunding campaigns at Indiegogo to assist with obtaining and renovating the property, and in order to be able to offer Residency Fellowships at Studio Faire.
With the generosity and faith of our supporters named below (some of whom donated to both campaigns(!) and a few others who have chosen to remain anonymous), we raised 10 000€ & 4 488€ respectively.
We are quite blown away by their support as we genuinely would not be able to do what we’re doing without them! We would like to publicly (and loudly!) thank them all for helping us create a special place that will continue to improve in order to benefit many people, working in a variety of creative disciplines, from all walks of life, both locally and internationally.
Julie Barnes
Kimberlea Bass
Ewan Beck
Julie Bell
Jocelyn Benford
Blayney Family
Ellen Bleiwas
Circe Bosch
Gaylord Brewer
Yellow Broom
Jennifer Brown
Lorna Bruce
Espen Brunborg
Robbie Bushe
Catherine Butterfield
Ewan Cameron
May Carnan
Steven Cervetti
Raffaela Cian
Lini Cientanni
Susan Clark
Dawn Crawford
Lucy & David Dargahi
Megan Deguzman
Jacqui Dickson
Dirk Douglas
Janine Ferguson
Maurine Fischel
Christine Flora
Ronnie Forbes
Lorna Fraser
Paul Fraser
Ruth Gibson
John Gibson
Colin Gilchrist
Geralyn Stelle Gray
Debbie Greig
Ed & Angie Hahn
Susan Hamilton
Nicola Henderson
Pamela Heck
Kate Henderson
Lynne Higgins
Kelly Holdaway
Rebekah Hoyland
Olivia Irvine
Fiona Jarron
Laura Jerome
Lloyd Jerome
Scott Johnstone
Susie Johnston
Garry John Kane
Jon Kelley
Caroline Lambie
Janet Lee Adam
Sophia Lengle
Chris Lock
Gerard Lohan
Jill Macleod
Tony Marsh
Berna Mason
Katie Mawson
Kenny McDonald
Echo McKenzie
Maureen McKenney
Darlene McKenney
Jennifer Melville
Gabrielle de Montmollin
Tricia Mowat Slater
Gary Munckton
Ilana Munckton
Ali Murray
Tony O’Malley
Gavin Oattes
Ruth Ogilvie
Kirsten Ogilvie
Charlotte Paillieux
Rob Parr
Iain Pate
Cristina Pejoro
Rebecca Pollard
Jenny Pope
Gordon Povey
Lucy Rawnsley
Christopher Reeve
Louise Ritchie
Deirdre Robertson
Christina Robertson
Catherine Sargeant
Emma Scaife
Abigail Schreiber
Zoe Shuttleworth
Hillary Simpson
Phyl Scott
Graham Scott
Beth Scott
Javier Sevilla
Carol Sinclair
Rachel Skene
Peter Snow
Sophie Snow
Chris Snow
Amber Usher
George Usher
Debra Weiss
Kathleen Wilkie
Sonia Wilson
Jess Wilson
Christopher Wood
Zoe & Kenny