Listening to Radio 6 a few months back I was given the aural pleasure of discovering Feloche, the French mandolin toting cajun lad from the island La Gomera in the Canaries.

His album Silbo, is never far from the top of my Spotify play list and is a familiar friend on my evening runs.

Here is the cheeky wee video for the title track Silbo…

Then came Granville, a quirky wee three piece indie outfit. This album reminds me of bands I loved in the late 80s such as Throwing Muses, The Primatives or The Sundays.

Lovely wee album, my favourite track is currently Tic Boum.

Here’s La Robe Rouge live, enjoy

More French music news from our playlists soon…

Search Spotify or iTunes for Feloche & Granville or buy Feloche on CD from Amazon: Silbo