We are both extremely fortunate that, as the majority of the work we both do is done digitally and online, we can do this from anywhere, so our working income can remain constant during the move and can increase as much as we can manage time wise once we are settled.
As well as being an artist, I work as a web designer and as Administrator and Exhibition Co-ordinator for the Society of Scottish Artists, and can do this for a few more months from France while I find my feet there and they find a replacement for me in Scotland.
Colin will set up a new enterprise in France to work with companies around the world on their digital media, as well as develop his career as a portrait photographer & video producer.
There is another way that we can increase profit also, on a very small scale…
… through pyjama income!
The inspiration for the title of the blog ‘How to Raise a Deposit for a Property in 12 Months‘ comes from a book by Serena Star Leonard called How to Retire in 12 Months: Turning Passion Into Profit. It’s a good book full of inspirational advice on how to identify your main passion and develop an online business around it. It includes advice on how to make a passive income from a blog like this, by using affiliate links (amongst other things).
So, throughout this site you will find occasional links to things that we recommend, because we find them interesting or useful and hope that you will too. If the things we are recommending have an affiliate program, we will sign up for it (the recommendation will come first, not the affiliate link opportunity!), so, if you like our recommendation and buy a product or service through one of our links we will make a small commission.
You can find out more about our policy on affiliate links here.