Ever since Holly Rhame arrived on the 31st January for a 4 week Artist Residency at Studio Faire, the studios have been bursting with colour and life!

Holly is a painter usually based in Manhattan, New York. She decided to visit Studio Faire to

‘expand my painting vocabulary, using colour and the figure to explore paint and its many textures’.

She brought a big roll of canvas with her and has cut it into irregular squares indicating that many of the images she created during her stay here will be used as sketches for much larger work. However, she now feels that many of these sketches hold something in their own right and it’s her intention to let them function as stand alone pieces.

‘I feel that these new paintings enrich the conversation between the more controlled marks in my drawing and the freedom hand painting has allowed.’

Here’s what Holly had to say about her time spent at Studio Faire:
La chose vraiment unique et précieuse à propos de Studio Faire est le mode de vie qu'offre la résidence. La ville, Colin et Julia procurent tous un sentiment d'émerveillement et d'excitation à propos de leur environnement qui est extrêmement bénéfique pour faire du travail. Le temps ralentit à Nérac de la manière la plus productive, vous permettant de remarquer les détails et vous donnant de l'espace pour les aborder de manière réfléchie. Studio Faire a été une expérience incroyablement importante et m'a aidé à voir ma pratique sous un nouveau jour.
Holly Knox Rhame

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